Feed my Vanilla! (just click )

Sunday, August 23, 2009

OO. Hukuman Manusia Takut, Akhirat Ti tak takut ke?

Post ini ditujukan khas berkenaan berita yang seorang model yang beragama Islam (pada pengakuan nya) minum arak lalu kene sebat oleh mahkamah syariah Pahang. Model tu kata dia redha je kene sebat. Mungkin dah bertaubat la kan.
Tapi yang menjadi persoalan, kenapa cik Shahrizat Jalil kita, berasa simpati dengan hukuman tu dan bersungguh-sungguh menyuruh model itu itu merayu agar hukaman sebat tu tidak dijalankan?

Disini saya nak bertanya cik shahrizat kita, kalau dia (model terbabit) dah redha supaya hukuman sebat tu dijalankan agar menjadi tauladan masyarakat Islam, kenapa anda bertegas supaya hukuman itu tidak dijalankan? Itu baru yang kantoi kat Pahang, belum tengok budak Melayu (khususnya) yang dok bangga minum arak dan letak gambar kat laman web sosial. Golongan macam ni ke yang cik shahrizat nak pertahankan?
Kalau majlis agama buat serbuan kat kelab-kelab kat KL ni agaknye, Kerajaan pon kene wartakan rotan sebagai bahan kawalan sebab banyak permintaan nak sebat budak-budak ni.

Ke ada motif disebalik saranan supaya rayuan dibuat? Takut kaum kerabat sendiri pulak kene rotan lepas ni perhaps? Nway, pesanan dari saya yang tak berapa dalam ilmu agama ni, hukuman manusia ko takut tapi balasan dosa kat akhirat nanti, nak mintak cik sharizat tolong rayukan jugak ke?

Mesej kesedaran Bulan Ramadhan,

Sunday, August 16, 2009

BCBG rocks!

wow2.. look at that! BCBG name a pant after me.. yippie!!
(walaupun coincident tp what the heck.. I loyke)
*thumbs up to me favourite brand ;)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Memang da bosan ah ne!

Sebab da tak tau nak buat pe maka i telah menerai application ne.
Some of the pictures that i suke

me dead

Me as cupid *oh so adorable*
Me as a sexy soldier.. like this one the most huhu

Me as a big-headed jack
Finally, me as Superman =)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Situasi yang Susah

Memang susah kalau duduk di condo mewah (bluel.. konon) berhadapan padang golf.
Baru nak tukar baju ada je orang tengah main golf.
Abis macam mane? hurm

Owh, boleh tutup tingkap but where's the fun in that =P


Hari ini saya mahu berbicara tentang epilepsi (sawan). Mungkin ada di antara anda penghidap epilepsi atau mempunyai keluarga, sahabat, atau kenalan yang menghidap penyakit ini. Disini saya hendak nyatakan artikel ini adalah sebagai general reading sahaja. savvy?? huhu

Basically, epilepsi disebabkan surge of electrical chargers dalam saraf di bahagian sel otak. Biasanya keadaan ini berlaku dalam beberapa saat sahaja tetapi bagi kes epilepsi kronik, mungkin berlaku dalam tempoh lebih lama.

Terdapat pelbagai jenis epilepsi. Pertama, "major generalize seizure" dimana pesakit tidak sedarkan diri dan mengalami muscle contraction pada seluruh bahagian badan. Biasanya berlaku kurang dari 5 minit dan pesakit juga mungkin mengalami ganguan pundi kencing (resulting in accidentally peeing his/herself).

Jika berhadapan dengan pesakit yang sedang seizure macam ni, kamu hendaklah; 1) kamu jangan panik; 2) alihkan pesakit ke tempat selamat 3) jauhkan sebarang objek tajam dari pesakit; 3) buka sebarang pakaian yang menjerut seperti tali leher, tali pinggang, cermin mata 4) jangan tahan pesakit 5) jangan masukkan benda kedalam mulut pesakit seperti jari (ouch), atau sudu (kalau dier gigit lidah, biar je sebab lidah kuat n tak akan putus serta cepat sembuh) 6) lepas seizure, pastikan badan pesakit dalam keadaan mengiring untuk membuka ruang penafasan beliau 7) Jangan offer makanan atau minuman sampai pesakit betul-betul sedar; 8) bawa pesakit ke klinik kalau kepala terhantuk untuk check concusion.

Kedua, "complex partial seizure". Pesakit akan melakukan sesuatu di luar kawalan seperti memukul diri sendiri, bermain dengan pakaian (figdeting), bercakap merapu dan mungkin akan bertindak ganas.

Cara berhadapan dengan pesakit begini ialah; 1) jangan halang pesakit dari berjalan2 kecuali jika merbahayakan pesakit; 2) jangan menjerit dan menggoyangkan tubuh badan pesakit untuk sedarkannya; 3) Alihkan benda yang berbahaya ;4) stay dengan pesakit sampai beliau sedarkan diri.

Ketiga, "absence seizure". Pesakit biasanya terdiri dari golongan kanak2. Pesakit akan kelihatan seperti hilang fokus secara tiba-tiba.

Cara berhadapan dengan pesakit begini ialah, 1) stay dengan pesakit sampai pesakit sedarkan diri. Perlu diingatkan bahaya pernafasan pesakit juga boleh terhenti dalam kes ini. Maka, perhatikan pesakit dengan teliti dan jika pesakit tak bernafas, telefon ambulan.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari http://www.epilepsy.org.my

Pesanan kemasyarakatan dari ~linearregression~

Random: Saya ahli persatuan epilepsi malaysia sebab ada budak mengalami Major Generalize Seizure depan saya dan saya panik. Hopefully, takkan panic lagi after this =)

Post da balik kl

waaa~~ cuti ku dah berakhir
bosan betol la masok uni balik =(
tapi tak pe.. these 2 upcoming test better be worth my time -_-

btw, H1N1 sucks!
sebab kamu i tak dapat pergi Singapore tau!!
*dush2 pukol kuman*

anyhoo, i telah manage membeli a pair of shoes tapi tak boley tunjuk kat mama sebab nanti kene nag =P
ala kasut raya kedua.
ah! alamak! Kene beli baju raya sendiri.. hurm =(

random: peh my jam biology really mess up.. kene oter balik.. waa mimpi abg chu~~ hari ini hari yang indahhh~~

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Post nak balik kampung da.

hehe.. post before I nak balik kampung.
Cuti seminggu tapi kerja banyak macam cuti sebulan..
Bagi cuti tak ikhlas. Menyampah betol.
Antara agenda yang mahu dibuat adalah shoe shopping and collect my freaking Moringa Oleifera seeds for experiment -_-

Semester yang hectic..
Tak sabar nak pergi winter vacation kat cneh =)

Yahooo!! I'm going to Yorkshire!

Johnny Depp saje2

Mad hatter yg ensem
'Lihatlah.. aku sungguh macho.. Mari lah datang amek otograf..'

=) lyke2

"sapo dokat den tembak dengan kemachoan den"

Friday, August 7, 2009

Gary Leon Robert, 1987-2009

The death of my fellow friend, Gary Robert on last Tuesday (4th July 2009) was really shocking. It has taken the uni by surprised. See, everybody knows this guy. Always smiling, good-hearted fellow. Plus he really was dashing and very smart. Frequently being the subject of conversation of me and my gal pals. Who's Gary dating?, Why is he talking with that girl?, What will he thinks about this? , who was he talking on the fon with?, What he's doing? etc. . So the news was pretty shocking. The family and close friends of him take the news pretty badly. To hear that he died that way was really heart-broken.

Gary entered the Adidas King of Run (something like that) in Shah Alam. He collapsed after finishing the run. Then after he recover, someone saw him walked away. But after 24 hours, the family become worried and called the police because he did not return home. His body was recovered beside a dumpster under the stadium's basement, covered in bruises by police dogs. According to the police, COD was dehydration. Many suspected a foul play but only God knows.

Many people went to the house when the news was received to comfort the family. His parent seems not to believe that their son was gone according to my friend that visited the family.

For me, I see the glimpse of Gary everywhere in UNITEN. In class, at the food court, everywhere. I believe many people did. I just wonder how he can touched many heart in a short time and with a simple smile and conversation. Tsk.

In memory of a great friend,
Rest in Peace Gary Leon Robert

After this incident, I just wonder how it feels to die.
My grandmother also passed away a week before that but that was too painful to talk about. So no post for her. Tsk

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ICE Green Camp

OK this is pretty serious and boring. Just bear with me.

Last weekend ( 31 July 09 - 1 Aug 2009), ICE organized a Green Camp. I was one of the participant. Just wanted to see how the participant felt about this club and all. Lagipun, being the secretariat sucks. If I get to experience the camp in the easy way, why bother. =) At least that's what I thought.
Fig. 1: Green Nation love the Environment

Turn out the camp was pretty fun. Ok fun la. I just like the idea of preserving the environment. The camp was held at Taman Sri Cahaya Shah Alam. We stayed in chalets. Not bad =). Old kampung houses. Good condition but got a hell lot of monkeys.

The activities was fun. Apart from the 'art' project of making nature disasters models and doing interpretation about the nature and human fault that causes casualties, we cleaned up Klang river. It was at the estuary. First glance, not bad for Sg. Klang. Tapi, air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya. ok no crocodile encountered but the river at was in pretty bad condition. The water stinks and rubbish were stuck in the mud. Apart from that, floating plastics bags and diapers were floating and got stuck in the floating boom (mechanism to trap rubbish, usually install in rivers).

Malaysian, espacially KL folks need to realize about this condition. For God sake, please do not dump your rubbish in the river. So sad.You wouldn't like it when people dump rubbish in your house is it? So respect the living things in the river. We have to start to realize our responsibility towards the environment. We like clean river for picnic kan. So let's preserve the rivers.

Fig 3: Preserving river with pretty girls are fun. really =p

We were seperated into teams. I was in the tree planting team. We plant 20 trees on the dumpsite beside the river. Hopefully the trees will grows and conceal the dumpsite. There were teams that collect floating rubbish and there were another teams that planted trees at another different location.
fig. 2: Cangkul ber-reben *advisor club.. Dr. Chua*

Selangor government had gazzette 100 feets from the river and also the river. Means that any activities must be authorized by the government and Department of Drainage and Irrigation Selangor and any development on the river banks is prohibited unless authorized by the parties above. Hopefully this problem can be overcome. Please people, be responsible for your own garbage.

"Sebuah mesej kemasyarakatan dibawa oleh Kementerian Alam Sekitar"
Linear Regression in support of green environment =)

OK. Part two of the lecture on the Green House and Global Warming will be post later.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Tadi walaupun dalam kesedihan
pergi menonton 'Setem'
Afdlin Shauki macam biasa.

the story was quite good.
Funny. Maybe if you guys want a light comedy
boleh la tengok.

Story about one precious stamp and how
they are going to steal them.
nak tahu lebey lanjut sila lah menonton setem

Ok. bye2 for now.
want to read my thick blue book.

hati yang gundah

Haa. It's being a long time since my last post. This semester is getting crazier by the day.
now my twisted soul just want to go far away from everyone, everything =(

My acquaintance just died. So sad since i had a really huge crush on him.
Now the day is getting bleaker by the day *sob2*
Just last week that i saw him talking on the phone and admire how handsome he is.
Now he's gone.

speaking of dead people, my grandmother also passed away a few weeks ago.
Die of old age. The sad part is that i've never saw her for the past 3 years.

I still cannot accept the passing of these people.
So many people that i know died. It's their time alright but still, there's something awkward and annoying feeling inside me. duh -_-
I wish that i could just be someone without emotion and cold.

Growing up is easy, being an adult is really hard ='(